The debate over Common Core is a proxy war over Obamacare. It is an educational scheme that disregards child development research, teaches to a test, and encourages teaching to the test. The author of this piece explains that Common Core encourages teaching to the test, and does not acknowledge that children need to learn memorization.
Common Core is a proxy fight over Obamacare
The Common Core fight is a proxy war over Obamacare, federal involvement, and the slippery slope of standardized testing. It is also a proxy war over a broader attack on public education, which is an American achievement and a cornerstone of democracy. Many teachers unions support Common Core as a set of instructional standards, but they oppose the Common Core testing component.
The Tea Party, which aims to stop Common Core, has been active in many states. It has organized rallys, packed buses to legislative hearings, and bombarded lawmakers with phone calls. It also has a slew of affiliate groups across the country. It claims Common Core will lead to totalitarian government.
The Common Core standards are at the center of an unprecedented nationwide opposition, with a mix of liberals and right-wingers. Critics say that the standards are a dangerous assault on local control. The Tea Party calls the standards “Obamacore.” Many parents and teachers are drawing lines, and state governments are balking at the added time and costs.
The Christian Right is also a major factor in the Common Core fight. These groups say Common Core is an anti-American plot, and that it is associated with the New World Order. Some even compare the standards to Agenda 21 and Nazi Germany. There are a number of unsupported theories that have been put forth.
The American Principles Project is a leading organization that helps organize grassroots opposition across the country. It produces videos, reports, websites, and other materials. It also provides intellectual framework for local organizers.
Common Core ignores research on child development
There is an obvious problem with the Common Core. The standards fail to take into account the research on child development. As a result, children are being treated as robots rather than human beings. The lack of basic skills that children need is counted as two strikes against them in the Common Core.
The research on child development shows that children learn at different rates and in different ways. However, the CCSS’s measures of development use frequent, inappropriate tests. They require states to use computer-based tests, which can be harmful to early childhood development. Also, the standards were developed without early childhood educators’ input.
As a result, they fail to acknowledge the fact that children grow at different rates and that they have different brains. This leads to a lack of authentic learning. While common core is meant to be more rigorous than previous standards, they are not well-designed for all children. As a result, they are not a universal standard.
Another problem with the Common Core is the assumption that all children develop at the same rate. According to the author of “Defending the Early Years,” children develop at different rates. That is why CCSS fail to cater to the developmental needs of young children. Moreover, the standards devalue social and emotional development, art, and play. And there is little evidence to prove that these standards can increase children’s later academic success.
Common Core doesn’t recognize memorization as a skill
Some critics have pointed out that Common Core does not recognize memorization as a skill in the education of children. The new standards are meant to eliminate this practice and focus on teaching students how to think. This can be a good idea, but it does not make sense in practice. The standards leave a lot to interpretation, and emphasize abstract skills that are difficult to teach to young students. For example, one critic visited a first-grade class and observed students learning how to draw conclusions.

The Common Core standards were created over a period of 18 months. The process began with a report from the three major groups in late 2008. The standards were released for public and expert comment in June 2010. The standards were finalized in 2012 and are now guiding the education of children across the country. The authors of the standards explained that they were designed to address two big problems: the lack of high quality standards for many subjects, and a one-size-fits-all approach to education. The Common Core was meant to fix these problems by improving student performance, but there is some disagreement over whether it will have positive effects on education.
While there is a lot of controversy surrounding Common Core, supporters argue that focusing on critical thinking and reasoning will better prepare students for the workforce and college. They are also concerned that dropping the standards after four years of preparation and without a suitable substitute will seriously derail students.
Common Core was introduced in the early 2000s to raise the bar for education and create a level playing field for schools. Since its introduction, the standards have been implemented in many classrooms. The recent election has caused big changes in education.
Common Core encourages teaching to the test
The Common Core is a set of education standards that were pushed by a group of education experts and governors in 2009. It aims to move away from rote memorization and toward higher order thinking skills to prepare students to compete in the global economy. It is not a curriculum, but rather a set of detailed expectations for students at every grade level. It requires students to delve deep into each topic.
The advocates of Common Core argued that the new standards would improve public education and strengthen the workforce. While this may be true, there are still questions to be asked about the impact of the Common Core. Ultimately, the standards can only be effective if they are paired with aligned testing.
Opponents of Common Core are concerned about the privacy of students and the rise of standardized testing. They also are concerned about the implementation of the new standards. Opponents also worry about the role of teachers’ unions and the rise of charter schools in the education system. Furthermore, opponents worry that the Common Core tests will be used to show that public schools in the U.S. are failing.
The Common Core is a set of academic standards developed by the NGA Center and state school chiefs that outline learning goals for each grade. These standards aim to provide students with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in college and in their careers. To date, forty-one states have adopted the Common Core standards.
The Common Core has faced some backlash from parents and pundits, but the majority of states have embraced the new standards. However, their loyalty to the new assessments is waning. The number of states planning to use the new tests has decreased from forty-five in 2011 to twenty-five in 2016.
Common Core has a public relations problem
Common Core’s public relations problem is not solely based on content. It is also related to the larger dynamics of school reform and education politics. For example, the 2010 federal “No Child Left Behind” program failed to improve educational outcomes. Meanwhile, dozens of states have adopted test-based teacher evaluation frameworks.
The common core is based on a deeply elitist philosophy of learning. The program’s creator, David Coleman, a Rhodes Scholar who studied classical philosophy at Cambridge University, imported his elitist training into education. In particular, Common Core focuses on “close reading,” a distillation of the New Criticism school of literary criticism, which became popular at Yale University in the 1950s. This approach places emphasis on sticking with the text, and does not give much credence to the author’s background, the historical period where the book was written, or the student’s feelings.
In addition, the common core puts the emphasis on reading and writing non-fiction instead of fiction. This focus on informational texts undercuts student imagination. As Coleman famously stated, “No one cares what you think or feel, so why should anyone care?” The impact of these standards is even more severe during a child’s teen years.

The Common Core is also a political liability. Opponents of the program are awash in money and are experienced in lobbying government officials. As a result, the debate over Common Core is likely to persist for quite some time. And in the end, it may prove to be a headache for Democratic politicians.
However, it is possible to overcome the Common Core’s public relations problem. It may not take a decade to redeem itself, but it has lost a lot of credibility among educators and citizens. One way to fix this is to reform the tests, but it will take a little more time.
There are many resources to use in the classroom for teaching mathematics. Some of these include BrainPOP, Khan Academy, Sheppard Software, and Sheppard’s software. Others include math games and websites. Using these resources in the classroom can help make learning fun for both children and teachers.
Sheppard Software
Sheppard Software provides a fun learning environment with educational games and quizzes that help kids learn about math, science, and technology. This software is perfect for younger kids and can be used by parents with other responsibilities. This software is also completely free to use.
Thousands of free educational games can be found on Sheppard Software. These games are great for helping children remember key information and do better in their subjects. In the past year, Sheppard Software has received more than 20 million visits, resulting in more than five million hours of learning with its games. Teachers can also set homework assignments for their students using this software.
Another great feature of Sheppard Software is that it does not require logins or personal data. Children can use this software immediately, without having to wait for their parents to log in. In addition to this, classrooms, schools, and family members can all use one login to access the same activities and games.
Sheppard Software also offers interactive map games and educational resources. These programs provide children with an interactive map and can help them learn all about different countries and states. They also come with interactive maps and puzzles for older kids. These games can be played alone or with a team of three players. The software has a variety of other educational tools, and can also be used for teaching children about different aspects of math.
Prodigy Math, an online curriculum-aligned game, is a popular educational resource for teachers and students alike. It contains more than 1,500 standard-aligned skills and features a teacher dashboard for instant feedback. The program is run by the University of Regina, and includes free resources for students and teachers. The website also features information about careers in math and a profile of mathematicians.
BrainPOP is an educational video game that allows kids to explore hundreds of different topics. Students can create concept maps, movies, quizzes, and more. BrainPOP also tracks student learning achievements. It also provides educators with resources that align with state standards. Whether you’re looking for a free resource for teaching children math or looking for a more advanced resource, BrainPOP is a great resource to consider.
BrainPOP features hundreds of videos dedicated to various math subjects. Each video includes examples, definitions, and introductory material. Students can sign in over the weekend to get prepared for upcoming lessons. They can also practice material likely to appear on exams. Older students may want to review material that will be covered on SAT tests in the future.
One of the best resources for children to learn mathematics is Mathletics, a web-based program that seamlessly integrates school and home learning. Its adaptive design responds to the needs of the student, and provides animated support and personalised maths tutoring. It supports the teaching of all levels of mathematics from preschool to high school.

Mathletics is available in a subscription form that gives you access to hundreds of hours of maths activities per grade level. It also includes an online classroom environment where students can compete against each other in various competitions. Teachers can also use the ‘Assign’ functionality to assign homework based on the results. This gives them a sense of control over their students’ learning and fosters a growth mindset.
The curriculum is age-appropriate, and includes curriculum-based learning spaces that encourage children to use critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The content focuses on arithmetic, logic, coding, and word problems. It also incorporates artificial intelligence to recognize the needs of students and adjust to their learning pace. Students who use Smartick particularly enjoy receiving daily progress emails.
Mathletics also includes videos. The videos are ad-free and produced by an Emmy Award-winning studio. There are also interactive worksheets and games for children to use. Another great resource for kids to learn mathematics is Mathseeds, a digital maths resource for preschool and early learners. It’s designed to be fun and engaging, and includes a curriculum matrix that can be used to map the program to the UK National Curriculum.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a non-profit educational site with a wealth of free educational resources. Registration is free and users can use the site as many times as they like. The website is organized into units and sections, and each unit contains links to online video lessons and practice exercises. The practice exercises are interactive and are designed to help students learn a particular concept. Students who do not feel confident enough to complete a particular exercise are prompted to retry until they achieve proficiency. After that, students are cleared to move on to the next unit. The courses also incorporate quizzes and end with tests, which help students demonstrate their mastery of the material.
The Khan Academy website provides multi-dimensional math lessons, including video lessons, articles, and practice work. Parents can also use this resource to help their children with challenging concepts. The site is informative, accessible, and supports personalized learning. It is an innovative and forward-looking idea, and has redefined the concept of self-paced learning for children.
Parents can also use virtual games to help their children understand the concepts. A virtual math game such as Virtual Nerd can guide parents and kids through different math topics. This online resource features videos with an animated character explaining how to do a problem and the option to pause the video. Another educational resource is Scholastic. Its Study Jams program is geared toward children under 13, and its lessons are organized by grade level and skill level.
The Khan Academy website also has hundreds of videos that kids can learn from. There are more than 30,000 math questions for students to practice on. The site also includes interactive activities, brain teasers, and assessment tests. It is an excellent resource for parents and educators. It is a great place to discover new math teaching methods. And for kids, there are even math games and interactive activities for every age level.
If you’re a teacher and are struggling to find the right resources for your students, you may want to check out LearnZillion. This website is designed to make the teaching process easier for both teachers and students. Teachers can choose from a wide range of resources based on the grade level and subject matter they’re teaching. The website has resources for kindergarten through 12th grade students.
LearnZillion is an online learning system that includes thousands of short video lessons created by teachers. These videos are designed for both teachers and students, and are broken down by standard, grade level, and subject. Teachers across the country have contributed to the site, and the math content is based on Common Core standards.
The videos on LearnZillion are designed to be easy to use, with child-friendly content. They feature a variety of activities and games that reinforce the concepts learned. Teachers can even access a free teacher’s manual with detailed teaching notes and downloadable handouts to supplement their curriculum.
LearnZillion is free and has been used by thousands of teachers for years. The website includes a range of lesson plans, instructional videos, and practice exercises. It also has an online learning dashboard that students can save to their desktop. Students will get one lesson a week, and they will be able to take the time to study at their own pace.
Children learn mathematics best when they have sustained interaction with key concepts. A good teacher will make sure to include activities that build mathematical vocabulary. Learning games can be a great way to engage children in math. Mathbreakers is one of these games. It offers a free family account and a paid membership.