The first step in preparing for the start of the school year is to establish a schedule for your children. You can do this by creating a visual calendar or drawing out a schedule. Even a preschooler can benefit from having a visual schedule for the day.
Preparing a morning list
Before school starts, make sure to get everything you need for the day prepared. A list will help you stay organized and ensure that your kids get ready in a timely manner. If your children are too young to make their own lists, try making up funny phrases or sayings to help them remember what they need. Older kids can also make lists for each day of the week so that they can refer to them before leaving for school.
If you have a printable list, you can display it in the house for your children to follow. This will allow them to take responsibility for certain tasks in the morning and give you more time for other things. You can even put pictures or words in the spaces provided.
Besides helping your kids get ready for school, a morning routine will help you bond with your child. It also gives you the opportunity to get prepared for the day without stress. The first few days may seem hectic for you, but once you get the hang of it, you and your kids will be much more relaxed and focused.
Setting up a morning routine for your kids will make it easier to get up early and get the kids ready to go. Set aside a specific spot for personal items and school essentials. You can even let your kids choose their own clothes if they are old enough. This will encourage responsibility and creativity. It will also allow you to prepare breakfast and lunches for the day ahead.
Organizing time
Organizing time for your kids before school begins can be easier if you have systems in place. Create a to-do list with tasks, including regular homework and chores. Keep the list in a prominent place for your child to see, so they can check off tasks as they complete them. You can create a list using an app on your smartphone or use a dry-erase board.
Once the kids have an organized schedule, help them think about the first, next, and last things they want to do each day. By creating a timetable for them, you can give them the opportunity to develop independence. They will thank you later. As long as you help them develop organizational skills, they will be more likely to succeed in school.
One of the best ways to organize time for your kids before school starts is to create a family calendar. Keeping track of non-school activities will help you stay organized, and you can even color code these activities for each family member. Another helpful tip is to set a new sleep schedule for your children, and make sure you do it a week before school starts. This will help them adjust to the early mornings.

Before the school year begins, organize your child’s closet and dresser drawers. Sort out any outgrown clothes so they can be handed down to younger siblings. You can even set up a station where your kids can pack their lunches. You can also organize the morning’s activities by getting them ready for school.
Organizing school gear
Before the start of school, it is important to get kids’ school gear organized. Parents can make the process easier by first taking stock of what their kids need for school. It also helps to make a shopping list so you don’t buy unnecessary items. You can also make the process of buying school gear more fun by planning ahead.
When it comes to storing school gear, you will want to consider how your child uses it. It is a good idea to organize the items into distinct categories. For example, parents can store their child’s take-home folders in one section and theirs in another. Using colored file folders can help you differentiate between projects and permission slips for each child. It’s also a good idea to have a folder for homework.
Once the school supplies are organized, keep them near the area where your child will be doing their homework. This will make it easier for your child to put away the supplies when they’re done. Avoid putting all the supplies in one container, as this can quickly become disorganized. Also, separate the different supplies using drawer dividers or organizer drawers.
By helping your kids organize their school gear, you will be able to reduce their stress levels and anxiety. Having your kids’ stuff organized before the start of school will help you make the process a natural one for both you and them. There are many ways to do this, and Sharon has plenty of ideas for parents.
Organizing meals
If your kids are going to school, planning their lunches ahead of time can make the morning rush go by more smoothly. Not only can you create freezer meals for later, you can also prepare more nutritious lunches. This will free up time and keep your family healthy. Listed below are a few tips to get you started.
Make a schedule for the week. Make a note of when each of your children is expected to finish their homework. Set a time limit, and be sure to enforce the rules. Also, organize your kids’ dinners ahead of time. Since they will be tired for the first few days back to school, it’s best to plan ahead.
If you’re not sure what to prepare for lunches, plan a few days in advance. You can even do the grocery shopping on the weekend. This will save you time during the week and keep you from rushing to find something in the middle of the night. Make sure to plan your kids’ favorite sides, too. By planning ahead, you’ll be more likely to save time at the lunch table.

Getting your kids ready for school can be stressful for parents. You can prepare easy meals for your kids ahead of time by freezing leftover breakfast or lunches. For older kids, preparing breakfast burritos or french toast can be a snap.
Organizing quiet time
Organizing quiet time for your kids before the start of the school year is a great way to help them get used to a structured schedule and learn to respect their needs. This time is very important to the mental health of both the child and the parent. If you have ever had a noisy child, you know how important it is for both of you to take some time to rest and recharge.
When you first begin introducing quiet time to your child, you may find that they resist the idea at first. Therefore, it’s best to start small. Perhaps ten or fifteen minutes of silence is enough for your child to get used to the idea. Gradually increase the time until you reach the desired goal.
Another way to start Organizing quiet time for your kids before the start of school is to create a quiet area at home. This is a great place for your children to work on a hobby or a project that requires concentration. For example, if your child likes knitting, you can teach them the basics of knitting so that they can start making their own scarves. Kids can also make gifts for their grandparents with their new skills. Organizing quiet time for your kids before they start school is an excellent way to ensure that they’re learning to be able to concentrate and do their homework.
Organizing quiet time for your kids before the start of school is a great way to help them learn about self-care. It’s important to remember that quiet time is not a punishment and it’s a great way to show your child that you value their needs and that they deserve some time to rest.
Organizing back-to-school transition
There are several things you can do to help make the back-to-school transition smoother for your children. One of the first things you can do is to discuss a routine with your child. Creating a visual schedule is a great way to help your child feel more organized and to minimize arguments. Then, you can begin to prepare your child for the first day of school.
Make sure your child is physically healthy. Taking advantage of the summer months to schedule doctor and dental appointments is a great way to ensure your child is ready for the rigors of school. Also, if your child is playing a sport, you should schedule a sports physical.
Back-to-school transitions can be rough for many families. If you want to make the transition easier for your children, consider allowing them more time to play after school. As school begins, gradually cut back on screen time, as well. Lastly, create a schedule that is easy for everyone to follow.

You can use graphic organizers or one-sheet questionnaires to familiarize adults with your child’s routine. You can even plan to help your child sort through and choose school supplies. The main goal is to appear organized and calm during the transition, and avoid triggering negative feelings. As a mom, you can take advantage of the tools available on websites like SignUpGenius to help plan school events and activities.
Despite the fact that your child may be apprehensive about the first day of school, there are ways to help ease the transition. The first step is to discuss the new environment with your child. Tell him that he will be alone at school and will not have you to entertain him for the entire day. In addition, you should read your child a good book explaining the new school experience. Books like “Look Out, Kindergarten, Here I Come!” and “Time for School, Mouse!” are great ways to help explain the situation.
Avoid running back into the classroom if your child is crying
If your child starts to cry during the first day of school, it’s important to be patient. Your child may be dealing with separation anxiety and may need extra hugs. It is also important to talk to the teachers about the situation. Taking some time to discuss the situation with them can help ease your child’s anxiety.
While your child might not be able to express how they are feeling right now, it is important to know that crying is normal and that your child will likely cry for a few days or even weeks. While it’s completely natural to feel sad, it’s not an indication that your child doesn’t like school, and they’ll probably soon grow to love it.
As a parent, you may feel tempted to stay with your child, but this can only make the situation worse. Your child will have more anxiety if you stay for too long. Also, your child’s teacher may be overwhelmed, and you want to be the least of their worries. Try to establish a ritual for your child when he or she starts crying. Make sure to give your child a last hug and tell him that you can’t wait to see him after school. If your child continues to cry for longer than five minutes, you should leave.
Besides offering support and encouragement to your child, you should also try to address the cause of their crying. Often, crying kids are simply trying to communicate with you. By listening to their needs and addressing their fears, you can encourage them to express themselves.
While children will adjust to their new environment eventually, some will take longer than others. Try not to get frustrated or angry with your child, but instead stay calm and try to remember the prize – a happy child! The first day of school can be a stressful time for you and your child, but remember that this is normal.
Avoid saying a “good good-bye” on your child’s first day at school
Instead of saying a “good good-bye,” try to stay outside the classroom for a few minutes, so your child can explore the classroom and the playground. This will help your child adjust to the new environment and make them feel more comfortable. You can also call the school later to check up on your child.
Children pick up on the reaction of trusted adults, so try not to look upset or worry too much. Reassure your child that all will be well, and encourage them to feel confident. It may help to create a special good-bye ritual with your child. This will not only comfort them, but help them prepare for the future.